beautiful tulips

When is the Best Time to Go to Amsterdam for Tulips?

netherlands tulip fields

Amsterdam’s famous tulips draw visitors from all over the world, turning the city into a colorful display each spring. If you’re planning a trip to see this stunning sight, timing is key. The best time to visit for tulips depends on factors like the weather and the blooming cycle, so it’s important to know when to go.

This guide will help you find the best times to see tulips in Amsterdam, explain how to predict when they’ll bloom, and offer tips for enjoying the tulip displays while avoiding large crowds.

Best Time to Visit Amsterdam for Tulips

Mid-April to early May

The best time to see Amsterdam’s tulips in full bloom is from mid-April to early May. During this period, visitors can enjoy thousands of colorful tulips. Keukenhof, the famous tulip garden, usually opens from March 21st to May 12th, so visiting during these dates is a great way to see the tulips at their peak in Amsterdam.

Pros and cons of different times

Visiting Amsterdam for tulips in late spring has its benefits. Tourists can enjoy warmer weather, shorter lines at museums, and great chances for outdoor activities like cycling and boat rides. However, there are some downsides. Spring in Holland can be rainy, cloudy, and cool in the evenings. Despite this, there are still many things to do during the Tulip Festival, even if it rains.

Everything there is to know about the Netherlands

Predicting Tulip Bloom Times in Amsterdam

Impact of winter weather

The blooming of tulips in Amsterdam depends a lot on the temperatures during winter and spring. Tulips need cold weather to grow well, ideally below 55°F (13°C). However, very cold temperatures below 29°F (-2°C) can harm the buds and flowers. The northern location of the Netherlands and the cool sea air lead to longer, cooler springs, which are perfect for tulip growth.

Using tulip forecasts

To help visitors plan their trips, tulip forecasts are available. These forecasts look at things like winter temperatures and early spring conditions. For example, in 2023, most flower fields were in full bloom by late April, which is a typical blooming time. Tulip attractions often share updates on social media throughout the year, helping tourists time their visits just right.

Early vs. late blooming varieties

Different types of tulips bloom at different times during the season. Early varieties start blooming in March, while late varieties can continue into May. This variety means the tulip season lasts longer. At Keukenhof Gardens, tulips are chosen carefully so that they bloom from the park’s opening on March 20th until it closes on May 11th. Unlike fields used for growing tulips, show gardens like Keukenhof keep their tulips blooming longer, giving visitors more time to enjoy them.

Experiencing Amsterdam’s Tulip Culture

Amsterdam celebrates its tulip heritage with lively events throughout the season. The annual Tulip Festival turns the city into a colorful display, with over 880,000 tulips blooming in 85 locations. Visitors can enjoy free tulip displays in public spaces, museums, and famous buildings. National Tulip Day, on the third Saturday of January, kicks off the season with a large tulip garden in Museum Square where everyone can pick a free bouquet.

Everything there is to know about the Netherlands

Learning about tulip cultivation

To learn more about tulips, you can visit the Amsterdam Tulip Museum, which is open all year. It explains where tulips originally came from in the Himalayas and the interesting tulip craze of the 17th century. For a wider view, the Museum de Zwarte Tulp in Lisse has changing exhibits about tulips in art and culture. You can also go to the Bollenstreek (Bulb District) to see how tulips are grown.

How To Avoid Crowds During Tulip Season

Visiting on weekdays vs. weekends

To enjoy Amsterdam’s tulips without large crowds, plan your visit on a weekday. Weekdays are usually quieter, so you can explore the tulip fields and gardens more peacefully. This way, you can appreciate the beautiful flowers at a relaxed pace, avoiding the busy weekend crowds.

Early morning and evening visits

Another good way to avoid crowds is to visit in the early morning or late afternoon. Many tour buses and large groups arrive around midday, so visiting outside these peak times can make for a more peaceful experience. Early risers and those who stay late can enjoy the tulips with fewer people around, making it easier to take clear photos and see the flowers without interruptions.

Alternative tulip viewing spots

If you want a quieter tulip experience, consider visiting less popular spots. While well-known places like Keukenhof Gardens attract many visitors, there are smaller, lesser-known tulip gardens that offer a more peaceful atmosphere. Exploring these hidden spots can give you a unique and intimate view of the tulips, away from the main tourist areas.


To wrap up, Amsterdam’s tulip season offers a unique and vibrant experience for visitors. The best time to witness this floral spectacle falls between mid-April and early May, with Keukenhof Gardens serving as a prime location to admire the blooms. Weather plays a crucial role in the tulips’ growth and appearance, so checking forecasts and being prepared for rain can enhance the experience.