Everything there is to know about the Netherlands

17 Best Tourists Attractions & Thing To Do In Maastricht


In the southern part of the Netherlands, between Belgium and Germany, you’ll find the enchanting city of Maastricht. This historic place has a mix of cultures, with old streets, beautiful buildings, and a lively atmosphere. Whether you love history, art, or just want a fun trip, Maastricht has it all. Let’s dive into what makes it so special!

1. Embark on an Underground Adventure

Explore the mysterious St. Pietersberg Caves in Maastricht, a vast tunnel network carved between the 13th and 18th centuries. Originally used for marl mining, these tunnels stretch over 200 kilometers. During World War II, they sheltered locals and housed national treasures, including Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch.”

Guided tours lead you through the dim passages, revealing ancient inscriptions, charcoal drawings, and unique cave paintings. As you walk through the quiet tunnels, you’ll feel the history and imagine the lives of those who once found refuge there

2. Embrace The Beauty Of The Vrijthof Square

At the heart of Maastricht is Vrijthof Square, a lively spot surrounded by historic landmarks like the Basilica of St. Servatius, St. John’s Church, and the Spanish Government House. This picturesque square showcases Maastricht’s rich heritage. 

Throughout the year, Vrijthof Square hosts many festivals and events, turning the place into a lively scene of color, music, and celebration. During Prince Carnaval in February, the square comes alive with vibrant costumes, parades, and traditional Limburg performances, highlighting the region’s culture. You can also enjoy the lively atmosphere by visiting the many cafés, restaurants, and bars around the square.

vritjhof square

3. Discover The Mysteries Of Basilica of St. Servatius

Standing proudly on the edge of Vrijthof Square, the Basilica of St. Servatius is an architectural wonder. It combines Romanesque and Gothic styles beautifully. People believe it’s built above the grave of Saint Servatius, who passed away in Maastricht in 384 AD. The basilica’s design is unique, with two bell towers on each side of the main building and detailed statues on the outside.

Inside, you’ll find a beautiful space with high ceilings and arches. There are lovely choirs, chapels, and a treasury full of shining artifacts. Enjoy the detailed craftsmanship that has lasted for centuries and feel the peaceful atmosphere that takes you back to a time of deep respect and spiritual devotion.

Basilica of St. Servatius

4. Visit Boekhandel Dominicanen

Book lovers will be delighted at Buchendale Dominican, a bookstore housed inside a 13th-century Dominican church. With its arches and grandeur, this architectural gem offers a haven for readers. Explore over 50,000 titles on endless bookshelves, then relax in the cozy café with a cup of coffee or tea.

boekhandel dominicanen

5. Enjoy Limburg’s Tastes at De Bisschopsmolen;

De Bisschopsmolen, known as the Bishop’s Mill, is a charming glimpse into the city’s culinary past. This historic watermill, dating back to the 7th century, still grinds grains into flour for the bakery next door.

Join a tour to see the waterwheel in action, powered by the Jeker River. Then, treat yourself to the bakery’s delights, like the famous Limburgse vlaai, a pie filled with cherries, plums, or apricots.

de bisschopsmolen

6. Be Amazed by Fort Sint Pieter’s Strength;

At the top of the St. Petersburg hill lies Fort St. Peter, which showcases Maastricht’s strong defensive system. Built in 1703, the fort has deep underground moats and tunnels, which were crucial for protection.

Join a guided tour to explore the fort’s barracks, tunnels and cannon rooms. Your guide will share its history, showing why it was so important to the military.

From the castle, enjoy stunning views of the Meuse River and Maastricht. This is an opportunity to appreciate the city’s military history and strength from a unique perspective.

fort sint peiter's strength

7. Discover the Charm of Valkenburg

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city with a fun day trip to Valkenburg, a beautiful town surrounded by hills and green fields, where you’ll get a taste of traditional Dutch life.

Stroll along the cobblestone streets and cross small bridges over the town’s two small rivers. Take your time exploring cozy cafés, unique shops, and historic landmarks, including the remnants of an old castle that overlooks the town.

Nature lovers will enjoy Valkenburg’s countryside, with its hiking and biking trails passing through pretty farms and villages.  Immerse yourself in the peaceful scenery, and make memories to last a lifetime.

Everything there is to know about the Netherlands

8. Immerse Yourself in Art at the Bonnefanten Museum

The Bonnefanten Museum is located next to the River Meuse and has impressive architecture and art. Its modern design looks like a spaceship and reflects Maastricht’s interest in new art.

Inside, you can explore art from different times. See old sculptures and famous paintings by artists like Pieter Brueghel the Younger and Peter Paul Rubens. The museum also has modern art from the Ecole de Paris and Arte Povera movements, which can make you think and feel creative.

If you want to get involved, try the Brueghel Lab. You can add your own art to the museum’s collection and be part of its changes over time. It’s a great opportunity to learn about art and make your mark on this special place.

Bonnefanten-Museum Maastricht

9. Visit The Helpoort

Maastricht’s history is deeply connected to its old fortifications, which have stood for centuries. You can explore this past by visiting Helpoort, the oldest city gate in the Netherlands, built around 1230.

This impressive gate, with its two towers and entrance for travelers, now hosts a great museum. Inside, you’ll find interesting exhibits that tell the stories of Maastricht’s defenses, revealing the strategies and sacrifices that protected the city.

Take a walk and discover more of the old city walls, like Onze-Lieve-Vrouwewal. From here, you can see panoramic views of the park and the Meuse River. Imagine the past when these walls were a strong barrier, keeping invaders out and protecting the city’s history.

Helpoort Museum Maastricht

10. Embark on a Culinary Adventure

Maastricht’s food scene is a delicious mix of flavors, showing off the city’s diverse influences. Try local favorites like zuurvlees, a tangy stew, or the famous Limburgse vlaai, a pie with different fruit fillings or custard.

Explore the city’s lively dining options, from cozy cafes to fancy restaurants. Enjoy French, Thai, and fusion dishes that highlight the area’s culinary traditions.

For a real treat, join a guided food tour. Local experts will take you to hidden spots and share stories behind each dish. It’s a chance to enjoy great food, learn about the city, and make memories.

11. Relax At The City Park

After a day of exploring Maastricht, relax in the peaceful City Park. This green haven, right in the heart of the city, offers a break from the noise, inviting you to relax and enjoy nature.

Spread a blanket on the grass and have a leisurely picnic surrounded by the park’s calm. Take a walk on the paths, looking at the statues and monuments, each with its own story.

Families will love the park’s playground, with a petting zoo and a big birdhouse. Even the little ones can have fun and make memories in this beautiful setting.

12. Embark on a Guided Bike Tour

Join a guided bike tour to experience Dutch life in Maastricht. A local guide will lead you through the city’s streets, showing you famous landmarks, historic areas, and hidden spots.

You’ll ride along pretty canals, through lively streets with shops and cafes, and stop to see windmills. Your guide will tell interesting stories, bringing the city’s history to life.

Whether you’re by yourself, with a friend, or in a group, these bike tours are a fun and eco-friendly way to explore Maastricht. You’ll learn about the city’s culture and enjoy cycling like the Dutch do.

13. Explore Maastricht’s Printing Art At The Museum

Explore the world of printing and design at the Museum of the Art of Printing. Take a guided tour with experts who will tell you about famous posters like “Moulin Rouge, La Goulue 1892.”

Discover the Regout Printing Establishment, a key player in printing history, and see the tools and techniques used over the years. From old printing presses to modern designs, learn how print has shaped art and communication through the ages.

Fotomuseum-aan-het-Vrijthof. Maastricht

14. Embrace Nature’s Wonders at the Natural History Museum

For those fascinated by nature, Maastricht’s Natural History Museum offers a fascinating look at the geological and biological treasures of the region. Housed in a former monastery in the historic Jekerkwartier district, this museum exhibits Limburg’s prehistoric landscapes and wildlife.

Admire the vast collections of fossils and rocks, each telling a story of Earth’s ancient past. Discover the botanical garden full of vibrant regional plants, highlighting the beauty and diversity of nature.

Interactive exhibits and immersive displays bring the wonders of the natural world to life, instilling a sense of awe and appreciation for the ecosystems that have shaped our planet over millions of years.

15. Explore Roman Heritage at the Museum Kelder Derlon

Step back in time and explore Maastricht’s Roman past at Museumkelder Derlon, located in the basement of the historic Derlon Hotel. This museum shows artifacts and ruins from the 2nd to 4th centuries.

Walk through the old Roman fort and admire the detailed stonework and ancient architecture. Discover the remains of a sanctuary, including parts of an ancient temple, and imagine the rituals that took place there.

See pottery, glass, and metal items that show the daily lives of Roman inhabitants. Marvel at the old city walls and gateways, which stand as silent witnesses to Maastricht’s rich history and cultural heritage.

museum kelder derlon

16. Visit Thiessen Wine Merchants

For wine lovers , a visit to Thiessen Wine Merchants is a must.  Located in a historic building on the Grote Gracht, this venue invites you to explore exquisite wines and gourmet cuisine.

Start with a guided tour of the impressive wine cellars, filled with carefully chosen bottles. Learn about winemaking, the role of terroir, and the stories behind each vintage from expert sommeliers.

Then, enjoy a special wine tasting where each sip brings out new flavors. Pair your wine with a menu of local and global delicacies, crafted by skilled chefs to match each wine perfectly.

thiessen wine merchants

17. Embrace the Magic of Maastricht’s Annual Events

Maastricht hosts many lively events throughout the year, celebrating its rich culture and joyful spirit. From the colorful Prince Carnaval in February to the enchanting Magical Maastricht festivities in winter, there’s always something exciting happening.

During Carnaval, the streets fill with costumes, music, and dancing as people come together to celebrate. Join the fun and watch the dazzling parade floats weave through the city.

As winter approaches, Maastricht transforms into a cozy wonderland with twinkling lights and festive markets. Enjoy seasonal treats, warm mulled wine, and the magical atmosphere. Whenever you visit, Maastricht’s annual events will charm you and create cherished memories.


Maastricht offers an abundance of attractions, captivating visitors with its rich history, cultural diversity, and vibrant atmosphere. Whether you’re exploring ancient landmarks, indulging in culinary delights, or immersing yourself in the city’s artistic charm, every moment in Maastricht guarantees unforgettable experiences.